Craft Beer Radio Podcast Extras

CBR 515: Postshow



In this episode, we dive into a wide range of fascinating topics. We start off by discussing the issue of fraud in the crypto world and how it affects the industry as a whole. We then shift gears and delve into the challenges of landing boosters in SpaceX missions, exploring the incredible feats of engineering behind these groundbreaking achievements. Moving on, we take a closer look at the history of Israel and the conflicts in the region. We explore the complex dynamics at play and offer insights into our own personal experiences and family backgrounds. Along the way, we touch on the importance of finding joy in life and pursuing hobbies like blacksmithing. Our conversation takes unexpected turns as we share our most memorable driving experiences and discuss the world of video games. We also reveal a surprising passion for reptiles and talk about our experiences volunteering at a reptile sanctuary. As we near the end of the episode, we express our heartfelt appreciation to our loyal listeners. We take a