Holding Space

117: The Thread Between Toddlers and Tweens/Teens with Dr. Becky Kennedy



I've got one foot in toddler land and one foot in tween land. Yes, it feels like the splits and damn do the splits hurt sometimes. AND, it has also provided me this unique experience to see the thread between these two seasons and the push for independence and big feelings that come with both.  I'm fortunate to call New York Times Bestselling Author and founder of Good Inside, Dr. Becky Kennedy, a friend and colleague. And as I find myself looking ahead to the teen years I had to ask her..."Do you think we're all destined to have a strained relationship with our teens?" Her answer was "No", and together we wondered if we can set the stage for a different relationship with our children early on. In this episode we invite you all to join us in this conversation as we dive deeper into exploring the link between how we parent our children early on and the connection and trust we experience with our teens. Already past those toddler years? Don't worry, we walk you through the import