The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 162: Collin Cranor and Craig Ploof - Grape Culture



Collin Cranor and Craig Ploof - Grape Culture In this episode, Colin and Craig discuss their journey from Livermore Valley to establishing their own winery in Napa Valley. They explain their focus on single-vineyard wines and the importance of site-driven winemaking. Our discussion included the role of data and technology in their winemaking process, including the use of Wine X-Ray and the Pulsair system for cap management. They express their excitement about being part of the Napa Valley wine community and the potential for growth and success in the region. Grape Culture - Napa Valley Nottingham Cellars - Livermore Valley Winexray This podcast is sponsored by Innovint. Has your winery turned into a complete Excel sheet show? Say hello to InnoVint, it’s winemaking software to get you off of spreadsheets and into the modern era. InnoVint was founded and built by winemakers, so they know where your pain points are. No matter the size of your winery, InnoVint provides you with instant access to your prod