Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

559: 5 Signs Of Early Fatty Liver Disease You Can't Ignore and How to Reverse The Damage



Have you heard of fatty liver disease? Believe it or not, fatty liver disease has become one of the most widespread chronic conditions in the US– affecting 80 to 100 MILLION people!  Fatty liver disease occurs when fat builds up in your liver, leading to inflammation. It’s often a precursor for metabolic syndrome and other chronic issues, too.  And unfortunately– post-menopausal women are more likely to get it than men. As women, our hormones are declining into menopause, so we’re at greater risk for metabolic issues– like fatty liver.   But don’t worry– it’s possible to stop fatty liver in its tracks… even reverse it completely if managed early enough. Wondering how?  Check out this podcast for ALL you need to know about preventing and reversing signs of fatty liver through diet and lifestyle modifications.  IN THIS EPISODE Identifying the signs of fatty liver disease  Abnormal labs indicating possible fatty liver disease Risk factors for developing fatty liver disease  Diet, exercise, and lifest