Infographic Instant With Bryane Michael

Generation Z has little say in the financial infrastructure that will govern future generations



We are building the new internet on the bones of the old. Like the early attempts to build airplanes using flappable wings. We take our grandfathers' understanding of law and economics - and try to apply it to Web3. In this podcast, I describe how a new set of laws and conventions could help us break out of the 'lock in' which keeps us using New Tech (blockchains, lithium-ion, artificial intelligence, tokens) like the wood and paper of old tech. I give examples of how FinTech could change the way we live. And how 70-80 year old men simple add-on to existing law. Like taking the law on horse-driven transport and replacing the word 'car' for 'horse' in the new law. Dumb. Yet, true.