Public Speaking With David Murray

Three goals for public speaking beginners – 123



So it’s the start of another year. Have you set any public speaking goals that you want to achieve this year? Whether you’re starting out in your public speaking journey or a seasoned professional, it’s good to set some speaking goals that you can aim for. These can help you to become a more confident and compelling public speaker. If you’re looking to begin your public speaking journey this coming year, and you haven’t thought about what your public speaking goals could be, allow me to suggest some for you. In today’s episode I share three goals for public speaking beginners. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaki