Joanna Sherrow

Ep 14: New Year, New Skills: Preparing for 2024 in Design



Hello, self-taught designers! Join us in this special episode dedicated to the year ahead and step into the future. We're peering into the crystal ball to explore forecasted trends, game-changing tools, and a strategic roadmap to elevate your design prowess. 2024 is beckoning, and we're here to ensure you're not just ready but poised to thrive. Join us as we unravel the latest trends and equip you with actionable insights that will keep your creative edge razor-sharp. Hosted by Joanna, this episode is your compass to navigate the evolving landscape of design. Whether you're armed with a sketchbook or a digital canvas, it's time to embrace the future, armed with knowledge and inspiration. 01:50 - The trend is ever-evolving but we can prepare! 02:24 - Self-taught designers in 2024 should prepare for new AI-powered design tools, collaborative platforms, and the need to manage information overload. 03:52 - To avoid overwhelm, self-taught designers should establish clear learning goals, break