Dr. Drew After Dark

Punching Bag w/ Ryan Sickler | Dr. Drew After Dark Ep. 227



Leave a voicemail for Dr. Drew to answer on the show at (818) 253-1693 or email your question to DrDrewAfterDark@gmail.com. This week Dr. Drew is joined by comedian, Ryan Sickler. Ryan gives Dr. Drew a life update on what happened to his studio during the looting in Santa Monica, as well as his awful health scare recently. They answer a few live calls regarding schizoaffective disorder, testosterone therapy, and herpes. Ryan recounts a hilarious story Jason Ellis told him involving a rectum and a babydoll. After addressing a few more email questions, Drew and Ryan watch some Horrible or Hilarious videos and wrap up with some interesting TikToks. https://drdrew.com/ https://store.ymhstudios.com/