Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

561: The Best Non-Surgical Remedies For Looking Younger Skin with Dr. Anthony Youn



Who isn’t on the quest for younger-looking skin?  Today, women are spending way too much time and money searching for what skin-care treatments work best. Dr. Anthony Youn is a top plastic surgeon and a leader in the field of holistic skin care. And he’s on my podcast today to teach us ways to turn back our clocks so we can look 10 years younger holistically! Dr. Youn discusses how balancing your hormones, managing your blood sugar, and staying active… combined with the right supplements and the right skin care will make all the difference in how your skin ages.  So listen to this podcast for all you need to know about naturally cultivating younger-looking skin. With Dr. Youn’s tips, you’ll feel more energized and healthy while seeing your skin look better, too!  Dr. Anthony Youn Dr. Anthony Youn is a nationally recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon. Known as a leader in his field, he’s the author of several best-selling books, and his new book, “Younger for Life” is a complete holistic guide to turning