Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Leaving a Positive Mark on the World | Pop Star Benny Cristovao



In Episode #51, I had the absolute privilege of sitting down with European pop sensation Ben Cristovao or ‘Benny Cristo’ as he goes by. Ben is a man with an extreme amount of raw talent, a strong work ethic, and steel-like determination to fulfil his potential. But despite his impressive résumé of achievements, the lasting impression on me from this conversation was Ben’s thought processes and overall state of consciousness. He has an incredible story, and where many would be sidetracked by the notoriety of the pop music industry, Ben uses his influence to leave a positive mark on the world.   In this episode, we talked about Ben’s family history and where he grew up, what his diet was like as a kid, how he got into singing, and his achievements as a music artist and athlete. He shared the moment he decided to change what was on his plate and the typical foods he eats now, as well as how he uses social media to spark conversations and promote positive change in his community.   Enjoy, friends.    Simon Want