Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Running for the Animals | Marathon Runner Fiona Oakes



In Episode #16, I spoke to Fiona Oakes about her path to becoming a marathon runner with three world records despite losing her kneecap (patella) to an illness when she was 17. For me, the really fascinating thing about Fiona’s story is that, despite growing up in a nonvegetarian family, she chose to eat a vegetarian diet at 3 years old and a completely plant-based diet by age 6 due to her love for all animals. After finishing school and working in an office job in London, she eventually started up an animal sanctuary in Essex that still exists today and provides a loving home to over 400 animals.   Fiona is passionate about raising awareness of animal cruelty and showing the world that veganism is both a compassionate and a healthy way to live that can fuel amazing athletic performance. In this episode, we covered Fiona’s conscious decision not to eat animal products at such an early age and how she was ‘different’ to many of her peers growing up. We also discussed her early career in London, how the animal