Twin Peaks Rewatch

Twin Peaks Rewatch 34: Catching Up



Twin Peaks is coming back and so are we! Join us as we kick the rust off this podcast, in anticipation of following all of Twin Peaks season three in real time, starting next week. This week, we're warming up by sharing our own expectations for what the new Twin Peaks might hold, discussing Showtime's marketing of the series' return to television, and scratching the surface of Mark Frost's novel, The Secret History of Twin Peaks. We'll be recording a podcast for every episode of the new season and we'd love to hear from you! If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the Twin Peaks season premiere, write us at Some notes on upcoming scheduling: Showtime is airing the first four new episodes of Twin Peaks two at a time. During the next two weeks, we will be putting out two episodes a week, to keep pace! So look for the podcast covering the premiere on Monday, May 22, and the podcast covering episode two sometime mid-week.