Cooking With Archaeologists: Food, Fieldwork, And Stories.

The Sotra Project, Finnish fish soup, and public outreach in archaeology



Today, we have a variety of topics to discuss. Dr. Kristin Ilves joins us to talk about a very large and comprehensive archaeological project underway on the west-coast of Norway. The Sotra Project, lead by Leif Inge Astveit from the University of Bergen Museum, is currently recovering and recording archaeological remains from the early mesolithic to the late neolithic. This project, like many across Norway,  is part of a road expansion project taking place just outside of Bergen.  Kristin's role on the project is to develop, execute, and coordinate public outreach. She's using social media as one platform to reach out to the public with a lot of success. Kristin's been making and publishing videos documenting the excavation but also interviewing the archaeologists working on the project. It's a great way for the general public to find out more about what archaeologists do. On a side note, this is an exciting time in archaeology because of all the new technology and social media platforms archaeologists have