Meaningful Mondays

Stop, Look, and Go - Gratitude as Your Guardian Word



In this week's edition of Meaningful Monday, host Lee Brower shares a moment from his childhood where the word 'stop' played a significant role in his life. He shares an incident when he, a curious explorer, strayed too close to a busy highway and the frantic moment his mother experienced realizing he had ventured into a dangerous area. A 'stop' lesson was learned that day, but its value extended into his later life. Life, as it mimics the busy highways, often goes by in a rush. Brower encourages us to stop and appreciate the moments, for it is in those pauses that we can truly be present. By pausing, we give ourselves a chance to 'stop' and savor the experience of 'here and now'. The word 'look' goes beyond mere seeing - it implies observing the wonders around us, the comfort of our homes, the smiles of our loved ones, and the miracles that subtly mark our everyday lives. 'Go' is not just about moving forward but doing so full of gratitude. It embarks upon the appreciation of the moments in our lives which a