Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

571: Effective Internal and External Strategies to Recreate Yourself in Order to Live a Life of Your Dreams with Lindsey Schwartz



EPISODE SUMMARY When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Trust me… I KNOW how much we enjoy the safety of our routines.  But when you live in a life of too much comfort, you end up limiting your own growth.  Don’t worry– Lindsay Schwartz joins me on the podcast today to help you uncover the dream version of yourself so you can feel confident taking those bigger risks you’ve been thinking about.  We talk about everyday tools you can try ASAP to help you gain trust in yourself, embody who YOU want to become, and take the next step toward living your dream life.  Don’t miss this opportunity to become the best version of yourself, and *finally* live the life you know you deserve! Lindsey Schwartz Lindsey Schwartz is an author, investor, master community builder, and the founder of Powerhouse Women. Lindsey mentors women and girls of all ages—from high-achieving entrepreneurs to high school students. After seeing the need for more honest conversations about the ups & downs of entrepreneurship,