Tiptv Business

What’s behind the plunge in UK retail sales - Tip TV?



The ONS data released today showed UK retail sales dropped most since 2012. Is the fall in consumption/spending due to price rise or there is something else at play here? Listen to Marc Ostwald, Strategist at ADM ISI dissect the retail sales figure, which suggests there is no reason to panic. Ostwald says higher inflation could turn out to be a problem if wage growth stalls and adds the UK retailers are cheering the rise in prices (input costs). Ostwald talks to Presenter Jenny Hammond and Tip TV’s Zak Mir. Other key topics discussed are - China GDP, forex market sentiment, rump inauguration and Broker forecasts. #UK, #retailsales, #economy, #indicator, #stocks, #equities, #trading, #investing, #macro, #fundamentals, #markets