Dakota Spotlight Podcast

Summer Extra: Don Allard and the 1977 Epping Eagles - rebroadcast



I'm still between Dakota Spotlight seasons, so today I am rebroadcasting for you one of my earliest pieces of audio work - an episode of a show I created to basically learn how to podcast in the first place - before Dakota Spotlight even existed. In fact, what follows was only the 5th podcast episode I ever put together – back when I was still figuring out how to work a microphone. This is not a true-crime story, and if you are an avid fan of Dakota Spotlight, you may have heard this once before between seasons one and two. But I'm gonna share it again now with a couple of updates.  Why? Well, let me tell you. This story just feels relevant in a way and a much needed reminder in 2023. It's something I believe we can all relate to and be inspired by – and despite all the podcast content I've created since then, this story remains one of my favorites. It's a story about something we all have within us, something we have all felt at times, something you may have been considering as recently as this morning, as y