Emily T Gail Talk Story

Jeff McDevitt , President of PATH (People's Advocacy Trails Hawaii)



Jeff McDevitt, President of PATH (People’s Advocacy for Trails Hawaii) gives an update on PATH activities in the community.I caught up with Jeff after talking with Janet Higa-Miller owner of BikeWorks Kona with her husband Grant. We were at BikeWorks as they were wrapping up another community training event at BikeWorks on a Sunday morning. They have all three been longtime volunteers with PATH..The volunteer effort by the oommunity on behalf of PATH is amazing and in turn PATH just keeps becoming a stronger advocate for non motorized trails and much more.You can be a voice for PATH by going to pathhawaii.org and signing up for there always informative newsletter.Tina Clothier is the Executive Director moving forward for sure all the good efforts of her predecessor Laura Dierenfield.