Soul Wanderings

Soul Wanderings Bonus Episode: Infinite Possibilities



Soul Wanderings Bonus Episode: Infinite Possibilities This week Soul Wanderings is presenting you with a special Bonus Episode. We aren't numbering it like the other episodes because it's unique enough to stand on it's own. This past Mothers Day weekend we created an impromptu live recording at the Infinite Possibilities Festival. Yes, that was a moment ago, however, the effect it has is still the same and a grand one at that. AJ was able to introduce you to some new people and offer you a glimpse into the local spiritual and artist community. Some have since been a guest on the show and some are scheduled for future shows and even a couple who have been on past episodes. Thank you to all who shared this time with us! It was so much fun to meet you (again). It was an awesome opportunity to soul wander with everyone and very thankful for the experience. For more information on the Infinite Possibilities events visit: And so after much sweat and tears in the editing booth w