Soul Wanderings

Soul Wanderings Episode 18: Mike and Melanie Duncombe



Soul Wanderings Episode 18: Mike and Melanie Duncombe This week we had the opportunity to meet with Mike and Melanie Duncombe. Mike & Melanie are a part of The Vibez Tribe where they offer Sound Vibration Meditations a few times a month as well as offer personal Vibration Therapy sessions by appointment. Mike & Melanie both share a passion in creating one of a kind jewelry pieces that they each personally find the gems for and create together. Sun Spirit Gems is their heart centered business where they offer their artistic creations and share their love of all things beautiful and healing. You can find these two lovelies at: Find us on: Facebook: SoulWanderings Instagram: soulwanderings111 Twitter: @soulwanderings Online: Email: If you are interested in sharing your story, contact us!