Hacks & Hobbies

E582 - Shana Francesca - How to Embrace Resilience and Self-Discovery: A Journey of Overcoming Adversity



In this episode, I get to speak with Shana Francesca. She is a Keynote Speaker, Consultant, Workshop Facilitator and Scholar of Intentional and Ethical Leadership and Living. She is the Founder & CEO of Concinnate LLC. Shana's has been interviewed on more than 60 podcasts worldwide and has been published in Medium, Authority Magazine & Shoutout LA and emotional intelligence magazine and Emerge Magazine. Shana has worked with clients like the Council for Brain Injury, the Boys and Girls Club and the Mainline Chamber of Commerce. Shana believes our present and future are transformed when we infuse our lives with intention, design our lives and realize the power in continually practicing curiosity, respect and accountability. Join us as Shana reflects on her past, delves into the importance of connection and community, and shares insights on navigating through life's trials with resilience and grace. Our Guest https://www.concinnate.world/ Hacks to take away: Practice and Curiosity Walks: S