Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

575: Transform Your Life Through Self Love, Trusting Your Heart and Raising Your Self Worth with Roxy Saffaie



EPISODE SUMMARY What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…  An overused line, but girl– you know it’s true.  Roxy Saffaie joins the podcast to inspire you to continue betting on yourself through challenging times to become the best version of YOU.  In today’s podcast, we cover how to step into your highest power, create an unbreakable connection with your authentic self, and work towards becoming a self-mastery extraordinaire like Roxy is today.  We unravel the truth about journaling and teach you how to easily use it to Change. Your. Life. Seriously! Listen now and get closer to stepping into your dream life of authenticity, confidence, and self-love. Roxy Saffaie Roxanne Saffaie is a Self-Mastery writer, speaker, mentor, and digital creator. She’s climbed to the top 1% in the highly competitive celebrity beauty industry– but her true mission is to empower women into Self-Mastery and absolute Self-Love, helping them thrive. Roxanne has gained the trust of her community because she lives what she teaches. Her