Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

573: The Science Behind Menopausal Weight Gain and Body Composition Changes



EPISODE SUMMARY Research tells us women are living longer… but are we living healthier?  So many women struggle with midlife weight gain and poor metabolic health.  The reason? Your hormones.  I’ve heard countless women talk about gaining weight out of nowhere during perimenopause and menopause– despite continuing a healthy diet and exercise routine. But traditional approaches to weight loss often fail women in midlife because we're not looking at the full picture. In this podcast, you’ll learn about the top 5 causes of weight gain in midlife, plus I’ll share exactly how you can get started working with me to optimize your metabolism! At 44 years old, I have more metabolic flexibility and energy than in my 30s. So… listen now so you can learn my secrets to feeling young again!  IN THIS EPISODE System-wide changes in perimenopause and menopause  5 main reasons women experience menopausal weight gain What happens with imbalanced sex hormone levels  Declining muscle mass and an increase in body fat percenta