Flipping America

Flipping America 625, Creative Deal Structures with Wendy Patton



If you want to make money on a flip, you must buy at a discount. Many sellers can’t afford or don’t want to accept a low cash offer for their home. When you understand the possibilities with creative deal structures, you’ll be able to present multiple options to sellers and greatly increase your chances of getting a deal done. Wendy Patton is joining us today. At the age of 21, Wendy started investing in real estate. Like most young adults she was single, broke, thinking “Corporate America” was her only future. She graduated from college, was hired for that corporate America “dream job”, but was $20,000 in debt. She found real estate investing and realized that Corporate America wasn’t the golden path to what she wanted. When Wendy began investing in real estate, she didn’t fully understand her financing options, so she started purchasing real estate investment properties on her credit cards. In her own words: “At that time I didn’t know of any better way to invest. I did not have the assistance or availabili