Doctor Warrick

EP328: Discussing Statin Intolerance



Welcome to my podcast. I am Doctor Warrick Bishop, and I want to help you to live as well as possible for as long as possible. I’m a practising cardiologist, best-selling author, keynote speaker, and the creator of The Healthy Heart Network. I have over 20 years as a specialist cardiologist and a private practice of over 10,000 patients. Dr. Warrick Bishop discusses statin intolerance and the nocebo effect in his podcast. He describes a study that found 78% of patients believed to be statin intolerant were actually able to tolerate the medications. Another study found 72% of self-reported statin intolerant patients could take statins without issues when blinded to the therapy. A trial called Samsung found that 90% of reported muscle symptoms were from the nocebo effect rather than the statins themselves. Dr. Bishop concludes that lowering statin dosage frequency or adding other drugs can help many more patients achieve health benefits from cholesterol lowering therapies.