The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

Discovering ADD at 42, Then Learning How to Sit & Stay Happy- with Neil Cohen



It was never pointed out to Neil that he had all the tell-tale signs of ADD; not until he was 42 years old and recently separated from his then-wife. A good friend sent him an article on Adult ADHD/ADD. He soon after listened to my bookon a drive to Detroit. The lightbulb switched on and he found himself overwhelmed by his recent self-discoveries. It took him a couple of years, (one on Concerta), to sort things out and fully understand that he wasn’t “broken” or alone. He soon-there-after found a community of dog trainers, discovered the joy that comes from teaching & training dogs, (and their owners), and he committed to owning a training franchise. Has been working in and growing the "Dog space" ever since! His prior pursuits and careers have been: CEO, Marketing Consultant, Chimney Sweep, a few rides during the dot-com boom, Circus Trainer & Performer, scuba diver, competitive unicyclist, world traveler, maintaining his black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and being a stay-at-home Dad! It’s a lot. W