Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!

Meor Einaim - Yichud Parshat Shmirat Haloshon - Likutei Moharan & Toras Emmes!



Meor Einaim - the oneg of the Good of Yisrael to Hashem, TORAS EMMES making space for Hashem’s Kedushas haChug , LIKUTEI MOHARAN 34 - 1 Seek out The Divine Path! The Tolna Rebbe matzah baking Erev Pesach Hallel with a Bracha... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eligoldsmith/support