Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

580: Mastering Your Sleep, Metabolism and Overall Health in Midlife with Cynthia Thurlow



Raise your hand if you’re a woman who feels like you take care of everyone but yourself!  Girl– we’re ALL guilty of it.  That’s why I’ve invited NP Cynthia Thurlow on the podcast today to help us reframe this mindset.  Once you reach midlife, perimenopause actually allows you to identify WHY it’s so important for you to focus on taking care of yourself.   In this podcast, we dive into all the benefits of taking care of YOU– and how simple midlife lifestyle adjustments can make you feel your absolute best.  We cover everything from managing jet lag, the importance of sleep, and how fasting is your friend– plus give you supplement recs, exercise tips, stress-relieving measures– and more.  And trust me– these tips won’t feel like deprivation! We want to help you ultimately make sustainable decisions– that most importantly feel good.  Check it out here!  Cynthia Thurlow, NP  Cynthia Thurlow is a nurse practitioner, nutrition educator, international speaker, and CEO and founder of Everyday Wellness. With