Happy Jacks Rpg Actual Play

STARSCAPE00 Character Creation | Outrunners | Starscape



In an untamed section of space, a mismatched crew of misfits aboard a salvaged colony ship try to survive. Will they be able to fly, swindle, and shoot their way to safety while being chased by one of the deadliest species in the galaxy ? Find out on Outrunners, a Starscape actual play on the Happy Jacks RPG Network.  System: Starscape by Golden Lasso Games (https://goldenlassogames.com/) CAST:  ➜GM: Kimi Hughes (she/her) kimihughes.carrd.co ➜ CADave Hoover (he/him) cadave.carrd.co- Lawrence Benson (he/him), The Outsider ➜Cai (he/they/she) estelofimladris.carrd.co- , The Civilian ➜ Jay Africa (he/him)  jayafrica.carrd.co- Jonas P. Hurley (he/him), The Hot Shot ➜Samantha Terry (she/her) redpandroid.carrd.co- Nolvath (they/them), The Unfamiliar ◇ Starscape is a found-family, sci-fi roleplaying game by Golden Lasso Games (goldenlassogames.com) ◇ Visit https://www.happyjacks.org/starscape for a full list of this campaign’s videos and podcasts. ◇ Follow Happy Jacks RPG on Twitter, Ins