Steafán Fox

Anxiety, Suicide, and Having NO PURPOSE (The CRAZIEST Re-Frame You've Ever Heard)



Anxiety, Suicide, Depression are on the rise. Everyone is taking opioids and painkillers to dull the soul crushing weight of modernity.  But it doesn't make sense, we are well fed, warm, safe. We live in paradise, why is everything turning to ash in our mouths?  Obviously its because of muh meaning crisis, the death of God, muh nihilism  But we have to be clear - at the root of that is a MISUNDERSTANDING.  Our spirituality is rooted in our EMOTIONS - ever wonder why Satan and his demons appear to people as "temptations" and "evil thoughts" and "dark moods"  In order to "solve the meaning crisis" we will have to look to the SOURCE - our feelings - and come to UNDERSTAND THEM  In this video I do this using the old model of GREEK MYTHOLOGY to get the point across  ...And for good measure:  Nietzsche wrote all his books because he was anxious by the thought of Marcus Aurelius waiting up in heaven ready to wrestle him into compromising positions in front of Jupiter  ~  If you want to get in touch with me and do DE