Institute Of Welsh Affairs

26/11/2020 Rethinking Wales: Wellbeing on the Front Line



With lockdowns increasing across the UK and winter on its way, how stretched are our public services and the people who keep them functioning on a daily basis? How can we help support the wellbeing of those we are relying on to get us through the pandemic and beyond? In this session we explore: The Covid-19 experiences of our frontline workers What support structures are in place for our frontline workers Whether prevention and longer term thinking is being lost in the immediate Covid-19 response, and are we storing up problems for the future Can frontline sectors learn from other organisations responses to Covid-19 What policy makers can do to learn the lessons of Covid-19 Agenda Welcome & introduction – Auriol Miller, Director, IWA (Chair) Panel session (approximately 30 minutes) Q&A session with audience (approximately 15 minutes) Panellists: Dilwyn Roberts-Young, General Secretary, UCAC Katie Dalton, Director, Cymorth Cymru Oliver Townsend, Head of Partnerships and Practice, Platfform P