Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Mindful Reiki Energy Healing: Solar Flares, Sun, and Cosmic Integration | Ep 390



There has been unprecedented solar activity that has been reported on our space weather news. There's a buzz across social media, alerting everyone about this cosmic weather. It's instinctual to adopt a defensive stance when we feel under siege, and often, it's an automatic, unconscious response. The key is learning how to consciously guide our response and to give clear instructions to ourselves on how to cope during these heightened times of space activity. Giving clear instructions to your energy field on how you want it to be in these times and trusting the process. This fiery love from the sun can be seen as a reminder of our own vibrant solar core, reminding us of our true nature. The intensity of the energy showering us has a divine purpose. It's like a cosmic cleanse, helping us shed the accumulated weight of countless lifetimes and millennia living in perceived isolation. Removing the excess baggage, we have accumulated over many lifetimes and thousands of years of living separation f