Deborah Kobylt Live

Ilaria Borrelli, Filmmaker, Women’s Rights Activist, Mother.



Please welcome to our show the immensely talented Italian director and actress, Ilaria Borrelli, who is also a human rights activist. In fact, much of Ilaria’s activism is reflected in her work, often with an emphasis on the rights of woman and young girls. I met Ilaria at the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles, when she was speaking about her film, “The Goat,” about an 11-year-old pregnant orphan forced into marriage in her small Ethiopian village, only to escape with her goat, which provides nourishment, companionship, and even friendship throughout her difficult journey to find her her father, and ultimately peace. The film stars Mira Sorvino and John Savage, along with young Egyptian Tik Tok star, Jessica Hosam. Ilaria has been behind some of the most prolific films throughout her career, including “Life Is Beautiful,” and “A Girl from the Brothel,” among others. We will talk with her about her adventures filming in often dangerous condition, her life’s work as an actress and eventually behind the