
Sinopsis If you take a very close look at any very successful person regardless of their profession what you will discover is that they have a very high level of discipline. What is Discipline? Discipline is doing the things you know you must do regardless of how you feel about it. Most people only do what they feel like doing and not what they know they must do and this is why most people are always complaining about not having enough while the successful person is living the life of their dreams simply because they are committed and they have all the right disciplines in place. Watch this video and leave us a comment below. And, for more interviews with top real estate agents, tips, and strategies to take your business to the next level, go to!   If you loved today’s episode, please give us a 5-star rating and write us a review on iTunes! Thanks so much for subscribing to the Real Estate Success TV podcast!   Episode Resources: Register: Live Real Estate Sales Mastery Webin