Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP066 Bring Your Own Cinematic Trauma: Megan Is Missing



Nov 21st, 2016The Bring Your Own Cinematic Trauma series continues with TJ of Can And Chalice Commentariesand The Satanophile blog as he brings us our first Cinematic trauma that affected our guest as an adult.  No we aren’t kidding, Megan Is Missing is a difficult film to stomach and has moments that can possibly be too much even in our descriptions of the events in the discussion. The most disturbing parts are flagged before the start of them at the 1:33:21 mark until the final discussion of how the film affected all of us at the 1:59:10 mark.  If you want to hear how the film has affected us with out the discussion of the more disturbing parts, our discussion of that is at the 1:49:42 mark.  You can hear it in our voices by the end of the show, this is one of our most raw and emoitionally draining shows to do.  We dealt with the darkest side of our humanity in a very serious and straight forward way.Check out T.J.’s Blog and other Projects:BohemianGrave Counter ProductionsDon’t Forget the contest guys and