Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP030 Meet The Feebles



Mar 13th, 2016 The Fate of Millicent Chenille is revealed as Cort Loses his temper with Robot Matt before explaining everything that took place while starting the show with Matt.  The boys go on to discuss Meet the Feebles and have a blast doing it.  There is also another piece of the tragic story of Millicent revealed at the end of the show! Don’t Forget the contest guys and gals once we get 20 total honest reviews in iTunes and Stitcher, Cort will give away one brand new copy of Macabre from William Castle on DVD picked from those reviews and the winner will be given a chance to review the movie on the show with Cort and Matt!  Just email Cort your screen name or a screencap of your review and you are entered to win! Every week an obsessed film collector, Cort, will subject his unwilling test subject, Matt to films from Cort’s childhood viewing habits and personal collection.  Has a lifetime of movie watching damaged Cort’s young and impressionable mind?  Can Matt survive each week’s experiment unscathed?