Cinema Psyops

CinePsyEP019 New Years at The House On The Edge Of The Park



Dec 28th, 2015 Happy New Year!   May your New Year’s Eve celebrations never be like that experienced in “The House On The Edge Of The Park”. This week we find Matt deeply disturbed and very unhappy about the pain and suffering he has endured at the hands of Alex and Ricky in this house party turned horribly wrong, nasty as all hell rape revenge sleaze-fest.  The experiment was nearly proven when a film viewed by Cort at age 12 nearly shattered Matt’s sanity.  We have some great times with the PSYOP News segments this week to bring our spirits and yours back up to ring in the new year and forget the checkerboard slashing and that goddamn lullaby that ear-worms into your soul. Don’t Forget the contest guys and gals once we get 20 total honest reviews in iTunes and Stitcher, Cort will give away one brand new copy of Macabre from William Castle on DVD picked from those reviews, just email Cort your screen name or a screencap of your review and you are entered to win! Every week an obsessed film collector, Cort, w