University Church Of Eugene Sermons

Jesus and Identity



In this episode, we explore identity from a Christian perspective and Jesus' relationship with the Father, emphasizing the importance of obedience and mission in defining who we are. We discuss the liberation from sin that comes through Christ, highlighting Romans 6:6-11 and the transformative power of being crucified with Christ. The episode also covers the significance of self-denial in discovering our true selves, as explained in Galatians 2:20. Through Mark 1:16-18, we see how following Jesus leads to a profound transformation of our lives. Additionally, we anchor our identity in the unchanging truth of being created in God's image, as stated in Acts 17:24-28. We conclude with practical insights on discipleship, imitation of God, and the encouragement of one another in our Christian journey, reinforcing our identity in Christ through scriptures like Ephesians 5:1-2 and Romans 15:14.