《你还在我身旁》瀑布的水逆流而上蒲公英种子从远处飘回聚成伞的模样太阳从西边升起,落向东方子弹退回枪膛运动员回到起跑线上我交回录取通知书,忘了十年寒窗厨房里飘来饭菜的香你把我的卷子签好名字关掉电视,帮我把书包背上你还在我身旁Water draws back to the hilltopSeeds fly faraway toward the dandelionGather themselves as an umbrellaThe sun rises from the west and sets to the eastBullets hit right into the chamberAthletes run to the starting line, backwardI return the offer from college, forgetting about ten years of sweat and swotThe dishes in the kitchen smell goodYou sign on my test paper, turn off the TVThen help me carrying the backpackYou are still here by my sideBGM |《雨停后我的爱也将停止》