Miss Wan




情景4:时间计划如果打算出门旅行,在旅行前一定要做好时间计划,如:出发时间,在某地逗留时间,返回时间等。How long would you like to stay in Europe?你们想在欧洲呆多久?For more than a week.一个多星期吧。I have made a reservation for us on the night plane to England on the fifth.我为我们预定了5号夜里的飞机票去英国。情景5: 家庭游利用假期,带上一家大小一起去旅游是一件完美的事情,全家人可以有充足的时间放松心情,看风景、品美食,全家老小其乐融融。I’m supposed to go on a vacation with my family later this year.我打算今年年底和家人去旅游。或者这样说:My family will take a trip later this year.我家人准备今年年底去旅游。朋友称赞道:Sure. I guess that sounds cool. I hope you have fun.嗯,我觉得这听起来不错。希望你们玩的愉快。情景6:查酒店舟车劳顿极易令人身心疲惫,那么住宿的舒适与否就成为了影响游玩愉悦度的重要指标,可以说,只要选对了酒店,旅行就算成功了一半。I need to look up some hotels.我要查一下酒店。或者这样说:I could look up some hotel rates.我要查一下酒店的价格。look up查询