Nourishing The Mother

NTM 460: Your kids and friendships: get involved or not?



We all want our children to be pleasant, kind, repair well…and so it’s shocking when we see them as inconsiderate, rude, harsh, or on the receiving end of any of these things. As a parent, when do you step in, and when don’t you?In this episode we discuss:- When you feel like you need to get involved with your child’s social dynamics- When your kid’s social situations are normal, vs a problem- Remembering as parents we’re blinded by our lens on our children- Building resilience and fostering a courageous sense of self - Observing what our kids are learning from their “teacher”; the child they’re currently orbiting with - Trusting their ebbs and flows of knowing who they are, and recognising that this will shape who they attract- Allowing learning through social observation - How we see our child becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - Meeting your kids where they’re at, and having conversations around marginalisation, neurodiversity, trauma and struggle - The home environment is still the best teacher for relati