At Your Service

#2 The P-word



"In a digital world, because we are the de-facto urban planners of our time, I think [redlining] is a term we need to pay a lot more attention to." —Michael Hardy In this episode we share and summarize the findings of our research in financial services and inclusion. From the poverty premium to digital "poor doors," there are a lot of opinions and complicated politics to understand. We hear from a digital expert, an ethnographer and lots of people immersed in problems of finance and banking while struggling to make ends meet. The At Your Service Theme Song is by Rob Rusli. In this episode we used additional music from Rob Rusli, Falcao & Monashee, Mambisa, Bob Roberts and Ben Seretan. This episode also used sound effects under the Creative Commons attribution license, from users Keweldog and Anthosai. Thanks to Letizia Lodi, Manish Chauhan, Laura Morley and Craig Kemp for their voice acting skills.