Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

What's Cookin' Wednesday



Segment A: Food of the Future Guest host Barbara Hamm Lee is joined by our resident foodie Patrick Evans-Hylton for a discussion on 'Food of the Future'. There was a time when futurists thought we'd be getting our meals in the form of pills by now a la The Jetsons. So what IS the future of food? We'll talk with with Warren Belasco, Professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and author of Meals to Come: A History of the Future of Food about how we have historically considered this question. We'll also talk with local chefs who are employing some 'futuristic' techniques in their kitchens. Join us! Segment B: Buy Fresh, Buy Local For many the 'food of the future' has deep roots in the past. The idea of eating locally grown and produced food has gained momentum and one group, Buy Fresh Buy Local Hampton Roads, aims to make finding local food a breeze. Today we'll talk with Scott Wilson of Full Quiver Farm and Jessica Greenblatt Seeley, the Deputy Director for the FoodRoutes Netwo