Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

It's a Conspiracy...



Conspiracy theories abound, with some people swearing that astronauts never really landed on the moon, that 9/11 was an inside job or that the death of Princess Diana was an elaborate hoax. Journalist David Aaronovitch would come across people with these beliefs and was never sure how to respond, so he put his journalistic training to good use and researched the origins of some of the more prominent theories out there. He published his findings in Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History and today we'll talk to him about his findings. We'll also talk with author Mitch Horowitz about his book Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation and the ways in which alternative practices have impacted our nation as a whole and individual searches for meaning. Join us!