Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 46 - Halloween Annual 2! - Let Us Prey



Emerging from parts unknown and delivering goodies to the denizens of the Devil’s Gate Mall, your favorite degenerates bring a Halloween offering of adulation and jubilation for seekers of the Grind Pulp. In the lowdown Jeronimo pulls forth another tale of military and supernatural horror with S.P.O.O.K.S. by Michael Oday. MangaMatt jumps on his current obsession, the action/fantasy, Head Lopper, by Andrew McLean. Andrew brings it all together with talk on a recent collaboration with the Grind Pulp Crew and The Rogue Podcast.  For this episode’s feature presentation, the crew cover a quasi-official trilogy of movies featuring the extreme extraterrestrial known as The Predator. Feature Presentation Triple Threat: The Predator (1987) directed by John McTiernan PREDATOR 2 (1990) directed by Stephen Hopkins Predators (2010) directed by Nimród Antal