Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 39: Can You Redline on "Over the top?"



Thundering across the stars to save the universe from mundane minds, Grind Pulp Podcast explodes into battle. This time around MangaMatt takes pole position in the high octane thrill-ride, “Redline.” Racers from across the galaxy ride for fame, glory, and their lives. Jeronimo speculates the social interplay of the movie and the deeper commentary of society's obsession with sports. MangaMatt highlights the quality visuals and influences at play and how they gel with the style and narrative. Andrew attempt to move beyond Jeronimo’s obsession with JP’s character, or lack of character story. Redline showcases style over substance and moves at a brisk pace. This episode is no different. Strap in and listen as the Grind Pulp Podcast peels away from the starting line of the new year. Feature Presentation: REDLINE (2009) directed by Takeshi Koike