Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast HALLOWEEN Annual #1



Welcome, kiddies, to the Grind Pulp Podcast Halloween Special. The boys got a few cool Halloween-themed picks to dig into as they attempt to survive the night in the Devil’s Gate Mall security room. The kids have taken over the mall and are exacting revenge on homework pushing teachers and brussels sprouts doling parents. Will they claw their way into the security room and rip Andrew, Jeronimo, and MangaMatt limb from limb, or will our heroes defy all odds and hold the knee-biters at bay until the sun rises on the Devil’s Gate? Mash up of picks, with a graphic novel, a short short story, and a movie flick. 1. iluvhalloween by Keith Giffen and Ben Roman 2. The October Game (1948) by Ray Bradbury 3. The Guest (2014) directed by Adam Wingard