Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp FICTION Podcast Episode 33.5 - The Umbrella Academy Meets a Burning Necrosaurus Rex



Holy shit balls. This episode goes out there on a seriously silly political tangent with the discussion focusing, for a moment, on authors who think their readers share the same political views as they do. Andrew’s got a bone to pick, but how can he offend GPP listeners? If you’ve heard the guys give each other hell in past episodes, don’t miss this one, especially if you’d like to hear about some good ol’ Grind Pulp! Feature story picks: The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite - by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba Necrosaurus Rex - by Nicholas Day Burning Men: A Nathaniel Cade Story - by Christopher Farnsworth   Be sure to listen to this FICTION episode to get the skinny on our next Grind Pulp Podcast movie pick!