Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 31 - Lord of Illusions



Hey, Yo! The long awaited, the delayed, the overdue library books that have been delivered and the technical difficulties that have been worked around rewired and destroyed… Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain or to the old news you’ll hear about in this episode of the Grind Pulp Podcast. For your amusement, see where the crew’s thoughts were in relation to a few of the latest upcoming movies from a month ago! Since then Andrew and Matt have worked their way through Daredevil and some of the movies that are now already beginning to collect dust on solid state disc drives. After the new old news, the crew sink their teeth into Jeronimo Brown’s movie pick for this episode, Clive Barker’s LORD OF ILLUSIONS. Did the master of horror have the chops to deliver a Grind Pulp classic?   Feature Presentation: Lord of Illusions (1995) written and directed by Clive Barker