Grind Pulp Podcast

Grind Pulp Podcast Episode 16 – The Warriors



We’re baaaack. The Grind Pulp Crew is here to talk about three crazy stories and one bopper of a movie, The Warriors. Get down with the get down as Andrew walks the tightrope of trying to bust out Grind-Pulp-O-Meter ratings. Jeronimo is quick on the draw with his six-shooter, taking out suckas left and right, and Manga Matt rocks and socks to the rhythm of a funky beat. In this episode of the Grind Pulp Podcast we also cover Blade of Dishonor Part 2: Devils and Dragons. This feature-packed dive into Grind Pulp will have you calling out for the Warriors to come out and playeeyeeeeee. Stories: 1.     Tanaka and the Yakuza’s Daughter – CJ Martin 2.     Blade of Dishonor Part 2: Devil’s and Dragons – Thomas Pluck – Omibus Edition Link 3.     Bullets and Fire – Joe R Lansdale Feature Presentation: The Warriors (1979) Directed by Walter Hill (Rotten Tomatoes Link) Grab your popcorn and root beer. It’s time for another Grind Pulp Podcast!